The 10th Law Schools Global League Summer School 2022, is open for registration, and we take this opportunity to send you more information about it.
The 10th LSGL Summer School will take place between July 18t to 29th, 2022, and for the first time the Summer School will take place in two cities. The Summer School will hapen from July 18th to 22nd at FGV DIREITO SP in São Paulo, and from July 25th to 29th at FGV DIREITO RIO in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
More details about registration and practical information is available in the brochure attached.
This year the following courses will be offered:
First week – July 18th to 22nd at FGV DIREITO SP (exams will be in the last day of the course)
AI challenges, governance, and legal services
Prof. Marina Feferbaum, FGV DIREITO SP
Prof. Greenbaum Dov, Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)
Comparative Tech Law and Policy
Prof. Riccardo de Caria, Universitá di Torino
Prof. Aviv Gaon, Reichman University (IDC Herzliya)
Second week – July 25th to 29th at FGV DIREITO RIO (exams will be in the last day of the course)
Climate Change Law: Challenges, Technology and Sustainable Development
Prof. Rômulo Sampaio, FGV DIREITO RIO
Automation and the Law
Prof. Giancarlo Frosio, Queen’s University of Belfast
Prof. Nicolo Zingales, FGV DIREITO RIO
The tuition will cover the following expenses:
- Course;
- Airline ticket from São Paulo to Rio de Janeiro on July 24th;
- Light lunch during the week;
- Some Social activities.
The Summer Course will have the following costs for each student:
- Tuition – € 1.000,00;
- Airline ticket from home Town to São Paulo and return from Rio de Janeiro to home Town;
- Health and travel insurance;
- Accommodation (a special rate will be provided to the Students in the selected hotels) + food (dinner at week days and lunch and dinner in the weekends);
* LL.B, JD and LLM Students;
* Proof of English proficiency.
Please fill in the attached registration form for each student and send it to: cri.direitosp@fgv.br