9th Summer School (12-16 July 2021)

The Law Schools Global League Presidency is pleased to open nominations for the LSGL 9th Summer School.

Organised by the LSGL Presidency and the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law, this year’s Summer School will be held online from 12 – 16 July 2021 and features unique courses and exclusive sharing sessions by representatives from UNCTAD and UNIDROIT.

Each LSGL member institution may nominate up to 10 student participants. Students must have completed at least one year of law education to qualify. Additional selection criteria and the process of selection will be at the discretion of the home institution. Participation at the Summer School 2021 is free of charge.

Four mini-modules will be offered this year:

  1. Access to Medicines: The Role of Patent Law and Regulatory Rights in Dealing with Pandemics
  2. Law and Technology: What Is the Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Law?
  3. Legal Cosmopolitanism and Diversity
  4. Human Trafficking, Globalisation and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Complexities, Lessons and Future Challenges

9th Summer School – July 2021 Programme:

TimeDates & Courses
London (BST)

12 & 13 July 2021

(Monday & Tuesday)

14 July 2021


Summer School Exclusive!

15 & 16 July 2021

(Thursday & Friday)



Access to Medicines: The role of patent law and regulatory rights in dealing with pandemics

International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
[one hour]


Legal Cosmopolitanism and Diversity




Law and Technology: What is the impact of emerging technologies on the law?

UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

[one hour]


Human Trafficking, Globalisation and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Complexities, lessons and future challenges

Student nominations from institutions should be submitted to LSGL by 16 June 2021. Interested students should contact their home institution’s Student Affairs office to register their interest, indicating which modules they wish to attend.