The Winter 2019 Academic Conference Stockholm February 19, 2019


Global Social Justice


  • Environment and Sustainability

  • Global Trade Law

  • Public and Private Governance

  • Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

The Law schools Global League (LSGL) & Stockholm University Invite You to

The Winter 2019 Academic Conference on “Global Social Justice”

Tuesday, February 19th 2019, at 8:30am

Geovetenskapens Hus – DeGeer salen

Stockholm University, Svante Arrhenius Väg 12, Stockholm

8:30 Welcome Greetings and opening remarks

Prof. Amnon Lehavi, Dean, Harry Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya; Co-President, LSGL

Prof. Gonçalo Nuno da Cruz Saraiva Matias, Dean Catolica Global School of Law; Co-President, LSGL

 08:45 Session 1 – Environment and Sustainability
Chair: Prof. Pål Wrange, Stockholm University

Prof. Allison Christians, McGill University

Aligning Taxation and the Sustainable Development Goals: Why and How

Dr. Bradly J. Condon, ITAM University

Equality in Global Trade – the Roles of the WTO and Other International Actors

Prof. Zhu Jie, Wuhan University School of Law

The Construction of Environmental Rights in Developing Countries: Norms, Appeals and Predicaments ——Taking China as an Example

Ms. Anna Berti Suman, Tilburg University

Inspecting rights in action: Citizen Sensing after the Fukushima nuclear disaster

10:45 Coffee break

11:00 Session 2 – Global Trade Law

Co -chairs: Prof. Vladislav Starzhenetskiy, HSE Moscow and Dr. Ru Ding, CUPL

Dr. Johanna Jacobsson, IE University

A Borderless World with Bordered Rules – How to Govern Digital Trade?

Dr. Amrita Bahri, ITAM University

“Appellate Body Held Hostage”: Is Judicial Activism at Fair Trial?

Dr. Daria S. Boklan, HSE Moscow

WTO Security Exceptions in the Light of Anti-Russian ‘Sanctions’ Applied by the EU and USA

13:15 Lunch – Restaurang Lantis on Campus Frescati

14:00 Session 3 – Public and Private Governance

Chair: Prof. Maria Lucia L. M. Padua Lima, FVG São Paulo

Dr. Anna Aseeva, HSE Moscow

Corporate Social Liability in Global Value Chains

Prof. Monray Botha, University of Pretoria

Business Imperatives, the Social Contract and the Advancement of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: Re-Examining the Relevance and Impact of a Social Justice Agenda

Dr. Adelaida María Ibarra Padilla, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota

Bringing Together DDR and Transitional Justice: Victims the Convergence Point

Prof. George Williams, University of New South Wales

The Rule of Law and Automated Decision-Making by Governments

16:15 Session 4 – Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Chair: Prof. Laura Carlson, Stockholm University

Prof. Isabel C. Jaramillo Sierra, Universidad Los Andes. Bogota

Tackling Discrimination Based on Sexual Identity

Dr. Galia Schneebaum, IDC Herzliya

Workplace Harassment as Abuse of Office – A Study in Law and the Sociology of Organizations

Ms. Kavana Ramaswamy, Jindal Global Law School

Extra-judicial justice: Social Justice and its Implications for Due Process