LSGL Summer School Call for Course Proposals

12th Law Schools Global League Summer School in Law and Inequality at Universidad de los Andes

Call for Course Proposals

We are now accepting course proposals for the 12th LSGL Summer School, which will take place across two weeks between 8-19 July 2024 in Bogota, Colombia. Two courses will be held in each week of the summer school.

We would particularly like to welcome proposals for courses relating to the theme of law and inequality (please see below).


  • This call is open to all academic staff at member institutions of LSGL.
  • Each course should be developed and co-taught by at least two convenors from different member schools.


  • An honorarium of €2,500 will be divided between the two convenors teaching each course.
  • Lodging and air fare should be paid for by the institution sending the convenor.
  • The host will assist in booking an affordable accommodation nearby.

Course Proposal Requirements:

  • The names of the co-conveners;
  • The subject and breakdown of topics for the course;
  • The significance of the theme of law and inequality
  • Proposed assessment and teaching methods.
  • Suggested bibliography (including texts to be discussed in class);
  • Availability for each week of the summer school;
  • Academic CVs, a short biography, and a photo (high-resolution) of co-conveners.

Deadline for Proposals

The deadline for submitting course proposals to the LSGL Presidency ( is 23 February 2024. The LSGL presidency and the host institution will evaluate the proposals and make final selections.

We look forward to receiving your proposals to offer another outstanding summer school program.

LSGL Summer School Guidelines

General Vision:

The LSGL Summer School gives students a cutting-edge learning experience in exploring the challenges of the legal profession in an increasingly globalized world. Building on the genuine global features of LSGL and collaboration of LSGL-members’ faculty coming from all major legal systems in designing and instructing the courses, the LSGL Summer School offers participants a unique professional and social opportunity that is unmatched by the current market for summer schools.


The chief audience for the LSGL Summer School is students enrolled in the LSGL member institutions who have completed at least one year of law education. The member schools will aid in attracting and recruiting applicants. Each LSGL member school shall pay to the host institution €1,000 tuition fee for one student. Please note that payment is due even if no students are sent by the institution member.

Design and Instruction of Courses:

To maximize the benefits of LSGL as a global academic partnership, courses for the summer school should be designed and taught as a collaboration of LSGL members’ faculty, bringing together knowledge from different legal systems, sources in different languages that could be translated into English, and methodological diversity.

Professors should avoid lecture- style classes, preferring instead student-centered teaching methods.

Schedule of Courses and Credit Value:

To meet certification requirements, allowing students to transfer credits earned at the LSGL Summer School to their home law schools, a one-week course will be comprised of 700 minutes of class work. This number meets the

U.S. ABA requirement for a 1-credit course, which is strictest time-standard for a 1-credit among LSGL member schools. Each daily session will be comprised of 140 minutes of class work (5 X 140 = 700).

Evaluation and Grading:

To allow students to transfer credits to their home law schools, students’ performance in the LSGL Summer School should be evaluated and graded. For this purpose, the LSGL Summer School will establish a standard set of evaluation and grading rules.

Since the courses will be condensed, evaluation will be based on one in-class exam or a final paper. The course convenors will decide in advance on their evaluation method (exam or paper) and this will be stated in the summer school’s handbook. The submission date of a final paper will be set by the course convenors, but the grading process must be completed by the middle of August (as pass/fail), to allow students to transfer credits to their home law schools in the subsequent term.

Certification and Grade Sheet:

The host school and LSGL are authorized to issue certificates and grade sheets to students in the LSGL Summer School. All documents will be produced and signed by dean of the host school and LSGL’s co-presidents.


THEME: Law and Inequality

On October 18, 2019, the streets of Santiago (Chile) witnessed a surprising popular uprising. Initially, people took the streets to protest against high prices of public transportation. But as days went by and protests did not cease, it was clear that claims were broader than the initial grievances about the prices of Santiago’s underground. High cost of life, the crisis of the pension system, public health, and concerns about the connection between politicians and the people showed that social unrest was deeper and more complex than what leaders thought. The declaration of a state of emergency and curfews in Chile triggered violent confrontations between police forces and protestors that were absent, perhaps, since the dictatorship years.

Bogotá followed suit a month later. A national strike, initially organized by trade unions to protest against pension reforms, became a nation-wide mobilization that stressed grievances about social and political issues, similar to what had happened in Chile. Moreover, in 2021, social mobilizations in Colombia gained traction again, after Covid curfews, when thousands of people took the streets to oppose a tax reform. Protestors, as in Chile, had a wide array of grievances that highlighted how social issues, related to poverty and inequality, underlay these landmark protests.

Issues related to poverty and inequality are not exclusive to Chile and Colombia. Several recent reports about Latin America at large show that lack of social mobility and marginalization stunt growth and foster political instability. Hence, debates about poverty and inequality are a priority in Latin American agenda insofar as they have complex social and political consequences. In the Call for Proposal for this LSGL at Universidad de los Andes we would like to address these issues from a legal perspective. What does law have to do/say about poverty, social mobility and inequality?  Proposals can be articulated, although not exclusively, around the following topics:

  • Theoretical and empirical relationships about law and economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics, law and political economy (LPE)).
  • Historical approaches about legal concerns regarding poverty and/or inequality.
  • Populist constitutionalism and the radicalization of the public realm as a consequence of social grievances.
  • Debates of private law from social perspectives.
  • Law and distribution