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EBS Universitaet Black ZF

Law studies are often considered fusty, elitist and prosaic. That studying law can be more than poring over dusty law books and holing up in the library is proven by EBS Law School in Wiesbaden, Germany. As one of the first law faculties in Germany, EBS Law School fundamentally reformed its law studies in 2021. The programme is taught in thematically coordinated 5-week blocks, in which students work intensively in small learning groups on a specific subject or subject area.

Four times in succession, the best law graduate in the State of Hesse came from EBS Universität since the Law School has been founded in 2010. With an exam of honour rate of over 60 %, EBS Universität is a leading university. By comparison, the rate at state universities is 33 %. The exam of honour is the door opener for any career path – whether civil service, working at a large law firm or in a global company. All this proves that the training concept is paying off. Thanks to the new structure of the law studies, the students are able to dedicate themselves to working without distraction and intensively on a clearly defined and limited subject area.

The study structure adopts elements of a methodological-didactic concept which was awarded the Genius Loci Prize for excellent teaching by the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany and benefits from key findings from the cognitive sciences and uses them for the legal education. EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Rechthas tailored this concept to the specific needs of university teaching and further developed it for the subject of law. This means that cumulative examination phases at the end of a semester be-long to the past. In future, the examination load on students will be evenly distributed over the entire period of study. In this way, students gain examination routine, learn more consistently and with more motivation.

No law without business

Business studies are part of the EBS law course from the outset. This means that students who have completed their legal training can earn a Master’s degree in Business (M.A.) in just one additional semester or a Master’s degree in Science (M.Sc.) at EBS Business School in just one year.

Starting in the winter semester 2023/24, EBS will also offer the new bachelor programme “Law Politics and Economics”. The English-language programme combines content from the three disciplines of law, politics and economics and links them with the international orientation of EBS to solve complex societal challenges facing the world in the 21st century. The interdisciplinary degree programme aims to produce versatile as well as excellently trained generalists and combines three highly relevant subjects that are key to human challenges, such as climate change and digitalization. It is precisely through the combination of these subjects that graduates develop holistic perspectives essential for assuming leadership roles and social responsibility. The programme provides the knowledge and analytical skills to better understand complex challenges and to design forward-looking solutions.

Integrated semester abroad

Another special feature of EBS Law Studies is that, according to plan, all students spend a semester at one of the approximately 90 partner universities. The semester abroad is intended to give students an understanding of the cultural and historical influence of law and the opportunity to get to know a for-eign legal system. The students not only improve their knowledge of foreign languages, but also acquire the ability to establish comparative legal connections, which also help them in the interpretation and application of German law.

With the EBS Law programme, students opt for a unique curriculum. But knowledge is not everything. EBS offers every student practical relevance, individual coaching and personality training. A strong, value-based community awaits all students. This means, at EBS University, students are not only trained to become fully qualified lawyers. They also learn to move confidently on the international stage and to meet economists, board members or managers at eye level.