Our events

About General Assembly

LSGL General Assembly takes place each year at the host institution of summer school where academic conference and administrative meetings are also organized.

The General Assembly consists of Deans and Deans’ representatives of member institutions that gather annually to enable the League’s mission as defined in its constitution to promote legal education and scholarly research in relation to the globalization of law through a variety of ways.

The General Assembly is chaired by President(s) and it is responsible for establishing the directives and plans of the League. The following matters require affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at the General Assembly meeting.

  1. Approval of the President’s financial and administrative report;
  2. Choice of the objectives of academic and administrative meetings;
  3. Creation of Working Groups

The reports and projects that are discussed during the meeting;

  • Annual Report – Work Progress of LSGL
  • League’s Annual Financial Report
  • Host Institution’s Presentation for LSGL Events Organization
    • LSGL Projects’ Reports and Presentations:
    • Standards for Global Law Schools
    • LSGL Certificate Project
    • LSGL Innovation Prize and Seed Fund
    • Comparative Study on National Regulatory Frameworks and Practices
  • LSGL Membership Evaluation
  • President Election (every two years)
  • Discussion on the Way Ahead

Past events

July 2016,
July 2015,
July 2014,
July 2013,