LSGL Research Projects

LSGL Research Projects
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS Deadline: 31 October 2024

The Law Schools Global League is funding multi-year research projects focusing on topics at the intersection of law and globalization. The proposed research projects should transcend the borders of a single domestic legal system and be of a transnational nature.

Projects should have a duration of 2 to 3 years. A yearly maximum of EUR 10.000 is available for each project, but applicants need not apply for the maximum amount.

In order to be eligible for funding, projects must meet the following requirements:

  • Project teams must be composed by at least three researchers from at least three LSGL member institutions, one being the lead researcher;
  • The team must commit to specific outputs (which, upon dissemination, should make reference to the fact that they were funded by LSGL);
  • All types of research outputs are eligible. While projects may have a teaching component to them, applications should be primarily focused on cutting-edge research outputs;
  • Teams must fill out an application form with the project title, research team, lead researcher, project abstract, duration, timeline, requested funds, and budget justification.

To be considered for funding, please send the application form to by 31 October 2024 with “LSGL Research Projects” on the subject line.

Applications will be assessed by a panel comprised of members of LSGL schools, including the League’s Director of Research. Projects will be selected based on their innovativeness, proposed outputs and degree of cooperation between institutions.

Applicants will be notified of the decision by email by 31 December 2024. The winning projects will be presented at the LSGL Winter Meeting in February 2025.

If you are a researcher at a member school and want to find possible team members for a project, you can check the LSGL Database of Researchers, which includes 200+ researchers divided among several fields. Please ask your school’s representative (Dean or Vice-Dean for International Relations) for the password to access the file.