About New Technologies and Law Research Group

The Research Group on New Technologies and Law of the Law Schools Global League (LSGL) is proud to announce that they will be initiating an ambitious project to produce an open access, joint, peer reviewed publication bringing together as many perspectives and global views as possible on the contemporary normative challenges that the convergence of technological innovation and self-reinforcing trends in robotics, artificial intelligence, algorithms and big data, hold for the law.

Call for Application

Call for Papers

The Working Group on New Technologies and Law of the Law Schools Global League (LSGL) is proud to announce that they will be initiating an ambitious project to produce an open access, joint, peer reviewed publication bringing together as many perspectives and global views as possible on the contemporary normative challenges that the convergence of technological innovation and self-reinforcing trends in robotics, artificial intelligence, algorithms and big data, hold for the law.

All League Members – faculty, researchers and Ph.D. students – are invited to submit a 1- page proposal/abstract by 31 March 2017. Proposals will be analysed by an Editorial Committee and selected authors will be invited to further develop their proposals into full papers. Participants will be invited to present their proposals for discussion and improvement in a ‘virtual workshop’ in June 2017.

The main goal of the LSGL New Technologies and Law group is to be able to publish the selected papers by the end of 2017.

  • The 1-page proposals can be sent by email to: Papadopoulos@up.ac.za on or before 31 March 2017.
  • Authors will be contacted by the Editorial Committee with results by 30 April
  • Selected authors are expected to deliver a 10-page draft article in June 2017 at the ‘virtual workshop’.